"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Friday, January 29, 2010

Investing A Life Talent...

A guy by the name of Lucado said..."Before "talent" meant skill, it meant money. It reperesented the largest unit of accounting in Greek currency-10,000 denarii", and just 1 denarius = a days wages. In Matthew 20 is recorded the parable of the talent and tells of the story where a Master gave his workers from 1-5 talents, or in otherwords, an amount that at 1 talent = 38 years of working or if at $30,000. a year salary = over 1.1 million dollars. In my world...1.1 million is bunch of money to be given at one time.

So...in my mind I'm thinking that my "life"...is valuable. My "life", and what I've been given can be, and must be effectively leveraged to be used wisely and to its fullest advantage. I'm asking myself intuitively in the recesses of my heart... is what I am living for now...is reaping the most reward?

I deeply desire to be a wise manager of the resources I've been given. And as any investor will tell you...time is your friend...but I see time slipping away.