"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Just 2 short days ago, my wife of 23 3/4 years married and the Mother of three very cool children turned...50. I'm not sure how it happened but it's true that she has mastered the art of ever-increasing beauty. There is the obvious physical beauty that she has somehow managed to increase and perfect, but also the beauty of friendship, Gods presence, wisdom, companionship, joy, dedication just to name a few. What I am impressed with, is how she wields the power she has as an anointed woman of God. I truly am blessed and better just because of the person God has molded her to be. It seems as though God has created her to be who I need her to be to be who I am created to be. While that last thought may seem a little me-focused and really not the point of this musing, I just wonder if that's how God works in all our lives? He creates beauty...so that others can be better by experiencing the beauty that HE created.
Well back to her 50th Birthday. She is indeed amazing how she carries that milestone, not with any regret of missed opportunities or with frustration of the thought of getting "older", but of HOPE, EXPECTATION that this coming year is going to be a year of tremendous "Destiny". May you Michele fulfill all your dreams and aspirations...for God has certainly set you aside as a special creation.