"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Lord I need you today...hungry for your presence, for your word to be alive in my life and heart. Lord I am desperate for you, where else can I go? I want to sit at your feet today and learn from you. Speak to me today in my comings and goings...speak vision, direction, discernment, bathe me in your anointing. Use me today Lord to be your hands and feet. Bless my family today, watch over them.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The Lord was speaking to me this morning about what He said. It was in Matthew 4 when Jesus was calling some Disciples, and He called to them with this phrase "Come, follow me..." Well it was the come follow me part that got me thinking. Today is my daughters 21st birthday, and it seems like yesterday that as little kids they would follow us wherever we were going, and even a trip to Home Depot could be a fun event. But as we ge older...we want to know ALL the details, when, where, how long, and as a teenager the all important "who else is going". But what Jesus was speaking to me was, His calling me maybe not about the destination, or even the vocation, or any else of the details that could bog us down, but just "come follow me". It's Jesus that is doing the calling, and as a child, maybe all the things I think about now as a adult, like schedule, convenience, practicality...the list could go on, isn't what Jesus is even talking about. Just "Come". 

Question: Do I have faith as a child, or a childlike faith? Are my concerns similar to those of the one guy who wanted some time to bury a family member? If it's Jesus that is doing the calling...what really else matters?

I am certain of this. I hear the masters voice in my heart calling me to Him, and this journey could get quite interesting.