"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Thursday, December 10, 2009

2009...the year of seeking the Lord and discovering direction.

It was, now a long time ago, January 7, 2009 that during my Quiet Time the Lord spoke to me...at least I thought...that this would be a year of  "Seeking the Lord" and "settling direction" for my, our, lives. Well, not until did April anything of real substance happen, that we received a "green light" from who we perceived to be God, to proceed fully and that the time was "now"...write a  resume for a church that we had a burden for it to become healthy...which we will affectionately call "rt". Finally...an answer for the future and the local. Weeks turned into months and we went to other locations in an attempt to determine the Lord's leading. Conversations turned into strategy meetings, Quiet Times turned into Visions, Books turned into training, and the time turned into an increased burden....all to bring us eight months down the road. Well finally 2 marathons later...literally, an oddly  cold phone interview,  led the way to a face to face that seemed like the beginning of an answer...which led the way to "silence". Silence when passion, destiny, continual vision burned deeply....till the end weeks later..."no". Odd...unrequited love. It's certainly not how I envisioned this romance taking place all along. I certainly envisioned a "match to dry kindling" or even "water to a thirsty soul", but in no fashion was there ever "indifference".

So...a region that seems to have destiny spoken over it...where does one see their place? When specific 2400 dpi vision is seen...is the picture to be printed to be enjoyed by all?? Or...is the picture just for the enjoyment or stretching of the viewer?

Admist all this allegory there are actual circumstances, lives actually with feelings, hopes and dreams. 2009?? Certainly a year of "seeking the Lord"...certainly a year of "finding direction"...will 2010 be a year of "fullfillment"?