"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lonely...but not really alone.

I wonder how many people among the over 8.5 million that call New Jersey their home, or for that fact the 6,807,900,000 people living in the world today that feel they are...lonely. The reason I think about this is because I do feel...lonely, even while being surrounded by family, wonderful friends that I do not see often enough or share deeply enough with. Truth be told... I long for friendship, love, passion even, support, encouragement...that "to be fully known, and fully know" type thing. I find it amazing that we can in fact be "lonely", and yet in fact be surrounded by so many.

This morning I sat contemplating in the form of a spiritual quiet time...life. My reading brought me to Matthew 1:23 "and they shall call His name Immanuel", which is translated "God with us". Max Lucado points out that the "Immanu" means "with us", and "El" refers to Elohim, or God. We understand that to be "God with us". You know what?,...I LOVE for someone to be "with me". When the kids were little it was easy to get them to go "with me" to Home Depot, always eager for a trip to anywhere. My youngest daughter when she was about 5 even went "with me" to a garden show at an expo center to look at flowers and landscape designs...a memory I still cherish.

"With us" and "with me". I think the truth is the solution to my "loneliness" is found in understanding and living by the truth that God...truly is "with me"...everywhere at all times in all places. Even in the midst of my temporary thoughts of loneliness I am truly not alone. So in light of this...I must seek Him out. The difference between God and a spouse or friend is that He is always available to respond to our need of championship. So Lord today I cry..."Come and dwell in the midst of us...me". Allow me to reflect to your creation your friendship, love and value of being "with us" to all who are seeking and need to know you are there and the answer to our...loneliness.