"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Monday, April 5, 2010

FAT or F.A.T.?

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things THRU Christ who gives me strength". Those words jumped off the page this morning directly into my heart. Of course, I have read them countless times before, but today...direction accompanied them. Since the beginning of the year I've endeavored to do four things...simplify, eradicate debt, prepare & friendship. Today...is a day of preparation...get ready as Joshua said, "For TOMARROW..." I know I am preparing on several levels...spiritually - my heart closer to Christ and in tune with His leading, theologically and leadership wise - to lead a people as lead pastor, relocation - preparing our house for sale, etc., and physically - getting ready to run the 2011 Boston Marathon...but first run the rim of the Grand Canyon...a 46 mile trail run in 2 days.

Today I go out to run in beautiful sun and a warm breeze. Mind you last fall I averaged @ 50+ miles a week clocking about 7:20 per mile in preparation for the Marine Corp Marathon. But today?  After 5 months of nothingness...3 miles in 24:50 huffing a puffing like a overweight three legged dog. During this jog...the Lord spoke...you're "FAT". Or the key to your preparation is FAT. Last year you were "fit" because of your "F.A.T.". WHAT??? Yes, "F"aithfulness...each day you arose @ 4:45am and ran...in the snow, rain, ice and blazing heat. Become faithful...."your faithfulness is what I desire". "A"ccountable...you ran with people, in relationship, they were waiting and depending on you each day. The course was laid out, improvement was expected. Some one said to me a long time ago..."without accountability there is no motivation to grow". "T"eachable...learn, apply wisdom...sometimes we need to stop doing some things and learn from others and the Lord. Are you applying what you are learning? If not...then you are not teachable.

As I ran...frustrated by my lack of present fitness I realized...."I CAN do ALL things...so Lord "What are you calling me to?"....because it's those things that the Lord PROMISES to give me STRENGTH...abundant STRENGTH...abundant VISION, abundant LEADERSHIP, abundant ENDURANCE for the race placed before me!

So...bring ON the 46 mile Grand Canyon rim trail run....bring ON the Boston Marathon...bring ON the leading/pastoring of a people......."thru Christ"...."who gives me strength".