"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soaking Prayer

Today seems to be a day of "soaking"...if the bolt won't get unstuck, soak it in penetrating "oil"...if  grease seems stuck to the pan, soak it...if the ground is dry, place a soaking hose on it...if your heart seems confused, mind unsure, then laying out before the Lord and allowing His presence to penetrate deeply will certainly be the solution.

This is my prayer..."Lord I desperately need the fullness of your presence, fill me, flow thru me, envelope me today. Blow any chaff away, wash away any impurity, fill the cisterns of my heart and life with fresh living water. As the rain has been gently falling from heaven, so the rain of your spirit fall upon me bringing life and sustenance to my soul. God soak this home, this property with your presence may all that live here reflect your fullness."

"Back in the day"....David Ruis came out with a song "True Love", the Winds of Worship albums were in fill swing at that time, I'm listening to "True Love" now. A phrase speaks of coming before the King. Well "back in the day" there was preparation before coming before the King...some of it included "soaking" in various oils and perfumes.

Lord prepare me, fill me today and everyday for what you have for me. I love you....