"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm the Woman at the Well...

Well not "literally", but in some aspects there are some similarities. Today is like no other day around here...handling the days responsibilities, doing business, ministry, etc., then out of the blue...God shows up... Wow! It's good to know in reality, that God does know my name. That sounds like a silly statement, but recently I've been thinking and living a little like He's not sitting there talking with me. Certainly not like Jesus does not exist at all...just "unaware" of the significance of each moment and breath. Maybe taking life for granted, or assuming that...my life...has lost the interest or attention of God himself. It's scary how easy is is for us as creation to slip into "spiritual obscurity"...like our very life has no meaning.

My guess is that's how the woman at the well felt. Life was just passing her by, maybe didn't turn out exactly like she had planned...and now her daily routine was interrupted with a significant conversation that challenged all she had ever heard about the Messiah.

What am I really thinking here? God loves me. He cares about my day and thoughts and actions. He cares for me...me. And certainly you too. If it's been awhile since God suddenly showed up at your well...go ahead and talk to Him now like He's actually there. Because the truth is...He hears every word.