"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Something is brewing internally, deep in my heart, causing a reverent fear of the Lord and deeper seeking of wisdom. Concisely stated, I am "stirred".

An interesting personal revelation is that I never "stir" my coffee. For several years now I drink it black with two Equals...but I always put the sweetener in the cup before pouring it from the French Press. And when I'm in Starbucks? Well I think I just add it afterwards and let gravity and motion do the trick naturally. But when adding chlorine or shock to the pool, it always gets "stirred". Even before vacuuming the pool, it gets stirred so as to create a nice neat pile in the middle on the bottom. I do shake paint cans but not stir them, sauce gets stirred to prevent burning, and of course 007 famously preferred "shaken but not stirred". But me? I'm stirred. Somethings brewing, somethings up, I feel it sense it and am moving into great expectation.

John 5 tells the story of the paralytic man who was unable to get into the pool while it was still "stirred". Apparently and angel of the Lord would come down at certain seasons and stirred the water, and afterwards whomever made it into the water was immediately healed!
I think...God may be stirring my heart for something. Is it healing, restoration, wholeness, preparation...the effect I am not sure of, but am confident that there is a REASON for the stirring, and I do believe I know who is DOING the stirring.