"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Friday, November 8, 2013

Can these bones live?

Recently my wife and I were house hunting in New York, just a little outside of the city, which was just a temporary endeavor but was quite fun. What kind of house would we be looking for...smaller, larger, newer, older, fixer-upper, or all done nice and pretty? We soon stumbled upon a 100 year old place that was on the verge of being torn down, but had tons of character that we envisioned to  affectionately naming her "Spook Rock Manor". (Partially due to the road that it cornered).

I definitely am the vision guy. Beyond the falling off screen door, peeling paint, overgrown everything and torn-out kitchen, I saw a diamond. Now sure there would be work...lots of work starting first at the foundation. But there was a place, a home, that would be amazing...revealing 4 stone fireplaces, 100+year old wood flooring and molding that didn't seem to be less that 7"tall everywhere. But first...you had to get past years of neglect. That...would be a daunting task.

The word I LOVE is visioneering. Andy Stanley has said that visioneering is “a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." It's a preferred future, a destination...its where we are going....what we are working towards.  Its like how Ezekiel, when asked in Chap. 37, "son of man, can these bones live?"...and then in obedience began to speak out what as the Lord directed him. 

This is what we need....Spirit inspired and directed visionaries that see beyond the years of neglect with crumbling foundations...to begin to rebuild that which barely has life remaining in it....or is like Ezekiel's Valley of Dry Bones. Presently dead and dry....but potentially full of life!

Speak HOLY SPIRIT LIFE into your marriage, family, CHURCH, ministry...and see God do something amazing! He can! The mission can not be optional...lives are on the line!

Just like my beloved "Spook Rock Manor"...the visioneering combined with some strategic engineering can produce a beautiful home that would be a inspiration for generations to come. But restoring a home...is nowhere as important  as our next step to the question..."can these bones live".