"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Drifting VS Anchored

For me sadly, I believe this fishing season has come to an end. My yacht has been tucked away for 2 months now, ok... its not really a yacht, its really a baby yacht....actually its a 42 year old 16ft aluminum boat with a 43 year old 25hp Johnson motor. Its more like a old dinghy actually...but thats not really the point. Its a fishing boat...that somehow does not catch fish with me as Captain. Again, thats not the point.

If you have ever fished in the ocean or bay, you will understand that to catch different kinds of fish either requires being anchored or drifting. Being anchored holds you to a specific spot with a anchor holding fast to the ocean bottom. Drifting however, moves the boat along by the direction of the wind and ocean current, you don't necessarily sense yourself moving, you just do and after awhile you are someplace entirely different. Smart fisherman though will be constantly aware of the direction and speed of the drift, as this will affect whether or not you in fact catch fish, but more importantly you could quickly get yourself into trouble and the boat could sink, and a on a really bad day you will drown.

For my entire life our family has been acquainted with the ocean, and as a child we were always at the beach and had several boats, and so...know a little about drifting vs being anchored.

What perked my attention was remembering being at the beach, and if you are from Jersey, you are well acquainted with the green and red flags designating the appropriate swim areas. Over the years, we have on many occasions been swimming in the ocean playing with the kids, and even as kids, only to find ourselves after a few mins way down the beach kinda looking lost amongst the sea of beach umbrellas. If you have been to the beach, you know the importance of being careful of the effects of the current which can take you far from where you first started. Drifting is what happens to us either intentionally, or unintentionally but just brings us along with the flow of the current and not keeping your eyes fixed on a immovable fixture.

Heres a question that has been on my heart. Am I DRIFTING or ANCHORED in my relationship with God? 

It's easy to drift in my relationship with God, we just go along with our schedule as usual, responding to the needs of life as they arise, and before we realize it...we are far from God. We never felt it, set out to accomplish it, but also never set out to not DRIFT. you see in order to NOT drift, we must be ANCHORED, or have our eyes fixed to a immovable object that does not move. Drifting happens to the best of us, and unfortunately churches are filled with spiritual drifters which produces whole Churches that are adrift...lost focus and passion, which horribly means...the true LOST in our communities do not find Christ.

Being ANCHORED in God is something entirely different than drifting. Anchored is where the Word is holding us fast to a specific belief, position, posture, focus. Anchored requires a intentional effort that holds us secure. Maybe it is our daily quiet time with the Lord, frequent personal worship that recenters our heart to be molded in His hands. 

While this thought is not yet complete...I pray that my life will be anchored in the present life changing personal relationship with Christ.