"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Missed opportunities and procrastination

Somewhere about 2003...the dream of running the Boston Marathon came to mind. 26 miles, something they call Heartbreak Hill and strict qualifying times make it a difficult endeavor for most recreational athletes. After several marathons, in 2009 I began training for 5 1/2 months at 5am most everyday to run the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, DC. I had to finish with a qualifying time for my age group of 3:20:59. in order to register and run  Boston that following spring. That beautiful and chilly morning in the nations capital standing amongst 20,000+ runners the fruit of my arduous labor would be put to test for the 26.2 miles. The result? I came in #750 out of 20,000 runners, but the clock said 3:21:41...42 seconds too slow. I could not believe it!!! 42 seconds? So great my disbelief and so great my determination,  that I ran another marathon just 3 weeks later thinking I could reverse my bad fortune...only to be plagued with an injury that made the effort pointless and even painful. Sadness eventually turned to hope when I found I could still qualify for the following year with my Marine Corp time for the 2011 race because of changing age categories (I'm getting older). So here we are...fall of 2010 going online to register for the 115th Boston Marathon in the spring of 2011....what did I find??? Registration Closed. It closed within 8 hours of opening...unprecedented! That's where missed opportunities and procrastination comes into play.

So now what?  Where do I go from here? I think scripture is making a significant message to me..."make the most of every opportunity". A quick perusal of the word would reveal that each moment of our life counts for something. God has indeed planned great opportunities for us all, many times all we need to do is...act.
"I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation". 2 Corinthians 6:2 and the list can go on. Missed opportunities are sometimes not big mistakes...just little errors when we are not "Managing the Moment"...(I put that in quotes because that is huge for me and plan on teaching on that in the near future).

The lesson for me today, and lifelong...make the most of every opportunity. Don't delay, procrastinate, assume there is more or much time. If I've been called to LOVE, then LOVE fully and completely now, if called to LIVE by FAITH, then LIVE with abandonment, if called to GIVE, then GIVE wholeheartedly. LIVE LIFE with a PASSIONATE pursual of all things HIM. 1 Corinthians 9:24 "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."

So whats next? Time to go look to run another Boston qualifier Marathon within the next 11 months. Even if it does mean 5 1/2 months of training and running in 10-95 degree weather at 5 am....remembering...that physical training has "some value"...and that the physical pursuit must match the spiritual pursuit where the prize lasts forever.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Christmas lights, Impatients & Mums...embracing Change.

OK it's here. Fall. I can't ignore it any longer as the drive this past Friday afternoon to drop my daughter off for a youth retreat fully indicated...leaves are changing and it's no longer 90 degrees, sadly. This past weekend I performed my normal fall transition ritual...with regret, but with an understanding of it's necessity...pulling out the still pretty but fading annuals in place of the cool weather hardy Mums. Michele a week earlier began to antagonize my "fall resistance" with a few candles and decorations, which I must admit are very pretty.

I started to think...how often to we hang on to something long after it is useful, effective or even appropriate? Know anyone with Christmas lights still hanging in July? Now I may not have Christmas lights still hanging...but I do a have a collection of items in the garage that needs to go thru a little "transitioning". In our house recently major change has occurred, kids off to college and junior high, new work schedules, the house is drastically different. It's called "change"...it's neither good or bad, can be resisted, but many times is just simply necessary.

Jesus' life brought much change to a people who prided themselves on not changing. I really think on a very basic level, this is what brought Him to Calvary. Matthew 24 & 16 and the discussion of the "signs of the times" is also a teaching that we need to be very aware of what is happening now...what is changing and staying the same...so that we may be prepared. "Prepare" is a word the Lord brought to me in early 2010 for which I admit, have not done a good job at aligning myself to, but will get better. Prepare for the "seasons change". It's October and the first frost will soon be upon us. I cannot go out and plant Impatiens...because I love them or have always planted them or even because people love them (which I do!)...because it is simply a different ...."season". They will not grow now, and if they do will die at the first frost, it's time for something different.

I looked back Saturday and smiled on my effort. The Ivy was trimmed, Mums and pumpkins placed appropriately amongst the fading Hydrangeas...it looked just right...for this "season". It was still my house, same color, same driveway and cars... but now it is ready for what lies ahead. The next step? Clean the gutters. Question. What is God calling you to next? What are you preparing for? What is God changing in you (your perspective, approach, philosophy, attitude, etc) for what He wants to do in and thru you next?

Whatever is is...don't fear, resist or ignore the change like I have sometimes done, and OK, sometimes still do. But embrace it...God may be looking to give you a whole new perspective.

Ps. The chair runner under my office chair fell apart..was costly to replace, and I didn't really want to...but it revealed shockingly...that the carpet was dirty. I didn't notice it till I took up the plastic runner. Perspective is amazing. Now I have  to clean the gutters and clean the carpet.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Embouchure...still somewhat intact but needs ALOT of tuning.

It was maybe 1973-74 that we took a trip to the Russo's Music Center on Broad Street in downtown Trenton. I had decided that the instrument of choice for me in elementary school was to be the "Flute". Well this required going a picking one out for rental from the store to begin my illustrious career as the only boy playing the flute in school district. "Jethro Tull" is the man who saved me in junior high from being laughed at all day long. The flute...like many wind instruments is not easy to pick up...as it requires the learning of how your lips, pressure, inflection effects the sound, or no sound, coming from the instrument. This is called "Embouchure"...involving the facial muscles and shaping of the lips. Trumpet players like jazz musician Maynard Ferguson became famous because of their ability to produce such amazingly clear sounds. Once you get your "embouchure" down...those muscles need to be kept up by regular practice. If you stop practicing...everyone can tell.

Fast forward 30+ years...and my daughter takes up the flute in elementary school on her Dad's now ancient relic flute. Unfortunately...getting a clear sound is beyond her grasp without an abundance of tears....and she gives up. I learn...that my lips need a little tuning also...not mention my memory of the correct fingering. Let's just say...you may never forget to ride a bike...but that doesn't qualify you to enter a BMX competition either.

Joshua 1:8 says "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua was a fully adult man of God at this point...having followed and worked with the legendary Moses for quite some time. Yet the Lord wants to remind him....that what you do everyday...is significant to your success. I draw a parallel between the regular practice habits of every great musician and the instructions given to Joshua. Want your life to be significant? Practice make perfect...blocking and tackling...master the basics...you have to keep your embouchure up.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Many great ideas, dreams, plans for life and ministry have passed us by, due to among many reasons, but save one...our failure to execute. Larry Bossidy wrote a book that many times comes back to haunt me "EXECUTION - The discipline of getting things done". I think by nature I am a dreamer. A few years ago I had intense expectations of what I wanted my favorite holiday to look like, Christmas. I love the lights, sounds, celebrations, traditions that we have invited to accompany the central remembrance of the birth of our Savior. At the end of each December I would calendar in dates, events, occurrences to make our celebration and family time more memorable the following year. It was fun as the next season approached to follow the previous years directives while being sensitive to new things that came along. This past summer was textbook un-execution. We had dreams, hopes...but without a plan put in place we did'nt go or do really any of the things we had hoped. No Cape May, Ocean City or Beach Haven family beach days...the list could go on to bonfires bike rides and walks on the boardwalk. We allowed the "moment" to dictate the event. While that sounds romantic at times, the reality is that you find yourself without a plan to move you or it becomes too late to act.

What I realize now is...that time is short. Days pass by quickly and for sure they turn into weeks, months and years. I guess what I am thinking is...I don't really have left the number of years that have gone by already. I desire...deeply...to execute the God given plan and destiny that he has for me and those around me. Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps". I do not want there to be a disconnect between the planning of whats in my heart and the steps taken. I truly want each day to count...to matter. I am making the "to do" list. I will not be over whelmed by its largeness or incapacitated by the inability of where to begin...for I confidently know that the Lord will determine my steps.