"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -Albert Einstein

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Embouchure...still somewhat intact but needs ALOT of tuning.

It was maybe 1973-74 that we took a trip to the Russo's Music Center on Broad Street in downtown Trenton. I had decided that the instrument of choice for me in elementary school was to be the "Flute". Well this required going a picking one out for rental from the store to begin my illustrious career as the only boy playing the flute in school district. "Jethro Tull" is the man who saved me in junior high from being laughed at all day long. The flute...like many wind instruments is not easy to pick up...as it requires the learning of how your lips, pressure, inflection effects the sound, or no sound, coming from the instrument. This is called "Embouchure"...involving the facial muscles and shaping of the lips. Trumpet players like jazz musician Maynard Ferguson became famous because of their ability to produce such amazingly clear sounds. Once you get your "embouchure" down...those muscles need to be kept up by regular practice. If you stop practicing...everyone can tell.

Fast forward 30+ years...and my daughter takes up the flute in elementary school on her Dad's now ancient relic flute. Unfortunately...getting a clear sound is beyond her grasp without an abundance of tears....and she gives up. I learn...that my lips need a little tuning also...not mention my memory of the correct fingering. Let's just say...you may never forget to ride a bike...but that doesn't qualify you to enter a BMX competition either.

Joshua 1:8 says "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua was a fully adult man of God at this point...having followed and worked with the legendary Moses for quite some time. Yet the Lord wants to remind him....that what you do everyday...is significant to your success. I draw a parallel between the regular practice habits of every great musician and the instructions given to Joshua. Want your life to be significant? Practice make perfect...blocking and tackling...master the basics...you have to keep your embouchure up.